Friday, April 29, 2011

Reviews : Smartphones industry are on the Rise Now

We are becoming increasingly connected. Smartphones are taking over the mobile business, and it's happening fast. What used to be about "a phone that can just make calls" is becoming more about having an all-in-one device that can always be by your side.

Let's see how smartphones are taking over the industry:

1) Smartphone shipments nearly doubled in the last quarter of 2010

Smartphone sales up

During the last quarter of 2010, smartphone dell vostro 1500 battery Dell studio 1555 battery shipments were up at 101.2 million, that is up from the same time in 2009, which was 53.7 million. The chart above shows, that's an 88.6 percent growth. It looks like Android devices are the fastest-growing of the smartphones.

2 Sony has noticed mobile games are becoming popular

Late last week, Sony introduced the world to the NGP. It's the PSP2. What was most interesting about this announcement wasn't the system itself--it was the idea of Sony's PlayStation Suite. The PlayStation Suite is basically a set of developer tools that will allow for any licensed Android device to playback PlayStation content. This opens up more avenues for distribution for Sony. It will be interesting to see how this affects the Android market as Sony will distribute directly through their PlayStation Store, which already has many users with their credit cards tied to their account.

Why is this significant? If one of the giants in the console and handheld business realizes that they have to get into the smartphone market as well.

3) Cellphones used more for data than for voice

Cellphones Dell wr050 battery dell d620 battery these days are being used less for calls and more for data (source). Whether it's browsing the internet on your smartphone or checking your email, most smartphone users have probably noticed that they are part of that crowd as they increasingly use data for texting or email rather than making a phone call. SMS is often much easier for busy people as they don't have to bother with a call and hope the person answers, or leave a message, etc. They simply type out a message, "Pick up dry cleaning on your way home," and a quick, "K" is enough of a response, end of conversation. The ability to quickly respond like that has made it much more convenient to use SMS. That's of course only one example of us using data.

4) Remember the Kin


Does anyone remember the Kin? Yeah, most probably forgot it already, it was only available for three hours (exaggeration, of course). Microsoft's Kin was actually available for just under two months before being killed off after selling a reported 500 units. That's not a typo; that's 500. Microsoft wouldn't confirm or deny the reports, which makes us think it's more likely true than not.

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The Kin was not a smartphone, it was developed as a "fun, social phone" or something along those lines. We really don't remember, it was killed off too fast for us to notice. Of course, you can argue that Microsoft went on to work on Windows Phone 7, but that still means they abandoned the traditional cellphone to push their smartphone.

5) Enterprise in a world that's Increasingly connected


Smartphones like RIM's BlackBerry were made very popular by businesses. Devices like the iPhone have become increasingly useful for enterprise. iOS4 added enterprise features, and corporate buyers get to buy their iPhone's before the rest of us.  That's still the case with many such devices. Businesses are top customers for smartphones because they need to keep employees constantly connected. Not only by voice, but by email. If you are out, an office-wide email will no doubt reach you long before you are anywhere near a computer. This is more important in today's fast-paced business world. Still, we are not opposed to completely shutting down our iPhone Dell inspiron 1440 battery over the weekend.

Smartphones Continue to Rise

Just three years ago, smartphones weren't exactly a standard. They were increasing in popularity, but with devices like the iPhone and Android handsets, they are becoming more common for non-business users as well. These days, many of these phones are affordable, even for teens. Before we know it, our older handsets will no longer exist, and phones that do email, browsing and Apps will be the standard. Are you ready?

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Is that really Cell Phone Cost Goes Down Over Time? - Scary: The AT&T of 2011

Don’t you just love those statistics and pretty charts that reveal how cheap our cell phone service today really is? Never mind that you are probably paying more than $100 for your smartphone service with a relatively crappy broadband connection and a voice service that isn’t half as good as TV commercials suggest. In the end, you have to be grateful for the cheap service you get today and that you pay less every time you get a new phone.

A few days ago, it happened that Lisa and I had to replace one of our two smartphones. Luckily it wasn’t a Blackberry compaq 484170-001 battery  hp 484170-001 battery  and the device actually made it almost through its 2-year contract cycle in one piece, so we qualified for the full discount on a pretty T-Mobile G2X.

I don’t quite understand why the whole phone buying experience has turned into something that is about as painful as buying a car at a low-end dealership. We spent nearly two hours in our local T-Mobile store until a sales person had copied (almost) all data from the old phone to the new phone , until he upgraded a SIM card, printed the bill, finished the small talk (with his colleagues). It also remains a mystery why I still tend to believe that the number printed on the price tag is actually the price I will pay before I walk out the door. Instead of the advertised $199.99 + tax, we forked over $360 after being explained that there was an activation fee, mail-in-rebates, etc . It’s a lesson you keep learning every time you buy a phone.

I can still remember AT&T telling us in a fancy presentation that the acquisition of T-Mobile is about the best thing that could ever happen to U.S. consumers. There is enough competition (even if AT&T snaps up the only remaining GSM provider in the U.S.) here and service prices are going down over time as well. After our latest cell phone purchase, I feel like someone slapped me with a two-by-four and promptly posted a LOL Facebook status message with my picture on it. Here’s why.

We previously subscribed two what we believed was a reasonable service package. Unlimited calling for $80 per month and two “unlimited” data packages (5 GB, unlimited SMS) for $35 each. The bottom line was $150 per month for the service on two phones Acer as07b31 battery Acer as07b41 battery . If you replace a phone, you cannot keep your old plan at T-Mobile (which makes me wonder what AT&T exactly meant when it said that T-Mobile users can keep their old plans, even if they upgrade to new phones?). Interestingly enough, the salesperson told me that we could still subscribe to an unlimited voice-unlimited data plan (which was 5 GB and not the original “unlimited” when we first subscribed to it), but it would now cost $175: $90 for voice, $25 for a family texting plan and 2 x $30 for Internet (this is a promotional plan, by the way.)

That translates to a 17% price increase in 2 years, if my math is correct. Plus, that unlimited data plan went from 5 GB to suddenly 2 GB (at full speed – when you hit 2 GB, the bandwidth is throttled to a degree where it is faster to walk across town to find a hotspot and load a webpage using Wi-Fi there.) Oh, and I forgot: The new data plans also do not include tethering anymore. Needless to say: If this is a first taste of AT&T and AT&T’s idea of wireless pricing, then we are in for a real treat.

T-Mobile always had an advantage over its rivals with its pricing plans that were easy to understand – as “data” (SMS) and “Internet” was always bundled into one package, which is now apparently discontinued.

The clear trend is toward tiered dell xps m1330 battery  pricing and creating an environment where people subscribe to cheaper plans with less service, but are likely to run into overages. An option for us was a plan with 3000 voice minutes per month (which may be quite a bit, but it is not unlimited anymore) for $90 per month, unlimited family messaging for $20 (a promotional rate comes with the 3000 minute plan)  as well as 2 x $20 for unlimited (2 GB) Internet (also a promotional rate that comes with the 3000 minute plan). The bottom line is that we may pay the same for substantially less service than we had before, while we have substantially more capable smartphones in our hands. Of course, those $150 do not remain $150, but turn into close to $200 after all taxes and fees in the area we live in.

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The unlimited voice/data plan had a clear value to it. With restrictions, it is not such a good deal anymore. Of course, I asked T-Mobile why there is a price increase when we are told that service prices are actually going down. The answer. 4G is really expensive and someone has to pay for it. Seriously? Can we please stop calling T-Mobile’s 3G service a “4G” service? It is simply not 4G technology.
The good news here is, of course, that AT&T would be even more expensive. 

AT&T would be charging an astonishing $210 per month for a similar service, however, with the courtesy to extend the 2 GB per month for $15 per extra GB on top of that. How nice. If you were to take the 4 GB plan to actually use your smartphone as an Internet device, you’d be running into $250 of basic contract cost and more than $300 with taxes and fees. AT&T may argue that this is a bargain as $300 doesn’t even pay the rent for a monthly parking spot in San Francisco.

Seriously, AT&T, here is the question again: Cell phone service cost is going down? Sure. Whatever you say.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Will The rapid development Tablets PC Kill The E-Readers?

With the recent Android Froyo update for the Nook Color, Barnes & Noble's device became more of an Android tablet than an e-reader. Apple created its own e-book store to accompany the iPad, and rumor has it that Amazon is working on an Android tablet of its own that will incorporate its vast Kindle library. These developments have led many to ask if this is the end of the dedicated e-reader as we know it.
Not so fast, say industry analysts.

To be clear, Amazon, Barnes & Noble and others do want their own tablets.

"It seems like every person under the sun is looking into building a tablet. But to be honest, I don't expect all of those to follow through and make it to Gateway 8msbg battery Dell inspiron 2200 battery  market," said Michael Morgan, senior analyst at ABI Research, in an interview with TechNewsDaily.

But just because these companies are making tablets does not mean there won't continue to be a market for dedicated e-readers.

"You can't forget the consumer in this whole picture," Morgan said. "There will still be people who want purpose-built devices. Purpose-built e-readers have some advantages, such as the battery life in current e-ink e-readers. The LCD tablet screen is not as good of a solution as an e-ink screen for reading."

Those advantages will be a big attraction to people who just want to read and don't care so much about tablet features and apps Dell inspiron 910 battery HP pavilion dv2000 battery .

Alan Weiner, a lead analyst with the Gartner research firm, told TechNewsDaily that dedicated e-readers still have an edge in content, too.

"It's the content that will drive these choices," Weiner said. If the content is great enough, people will sacrifice some of the features of a full tablet for an e-reader. If the content explodes, the black-and-white e-reader has a problem."

So far, tablets haven't been able to catch up. Weiner notes that many content providers are starting to back away from the previous frenzy of iPad distribution because it didn't work as well as experts thought it would. Both Wiener and Morgan expressed reservations over the move Barnes & Noble made with the Nook Color. Though it runs Android Froyo, it's still not a full Android tablet.

"There's a danger in doing what we could call half-tablets Uniwill 223-3s4000-s1p1 battery . It doesn't do e-reading well and it's an underpowered tablet," Morgan said. "It will be interesting to see if [Amazon] can deliver a quality tablet, especially when other manufacturers are having a tough time making Android tablets that can keep up with the iPad."

In the meantime, dedicated e-readers are unlikely to simply give way to tablets. Weiner points to several developing technologies, such as the Qualcomm Mirasol screens, that would bring color and video to e-ink screens while maintaining the superior battery life of black-and-white e-ink screens.

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There's also an opportunity for the traditional e-readers to turn into promotional devices. The technology is becoming cheap enough that the device itself could become incentive to sign up for an e-book subscription.
"We're likely to see the market for black-and-white devices getting lower in price. I mean really low," Weiner said. "Amazon won't give them away for free, but maybe for $29.99. The Kindle is prime to get tossed in when you sign a subscription to book clubs."

While many consumers are infatuated with the latest hardware and mobile operating systems, there's nothing like super-low prices to get attention … and sales. The $250 price tag is one of the single most attractive reasons to get the Nook Color "half-tablet," after all. So, even though dedicated e-reader devices are either overshadowed by tablets or desperately trying to emulate them, it may be a while before their story ends.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Twitter is reportedly - TweetDeck Releases Brand-New iPhone App

Twitter is reportedly mulling the idea of acquiring TweetDeck, but that hasn't stopped TweetDeck from overhauling its iPhone app.

TweetDeck for iPhone 2.0 is available now in the App Store as a brand-new app, not just an update to the existing one. As a result, TweetDeck encouraged users to uninstall the current iOS app and download iPhone TweetDeck v2.

The company said TweetDeck engineers "distilled the essence of what made it so popular into a series of guiding principles. They then embarked on creating a brand new app from scratch, making use of all the latest technologies and design approaches, but all the while with an eye on those fundamental principles from the original."

What's new? First up is a totally new design that mirrors themes and elements TweetDeck incorporated into its Android and Chrome apps Compaq nc4400 battery Dell inspiron 640m battery . It also now supports iOS 4, so it can take advantage of the platform's retina display and multi-tasking.

The usual columns remain, but TweetDeck also added the option to customize the feeds that appear in your columns. "So if you want to see DMs from one account, blended with your Facebook news feed, plus a couple of Twitter Lists, then you can do. Fancy blending a Twitter search, with your Mentions and Favourites? No problemo!" TweetDeck said.

To alter the column settings, just pinch the column in question to add feeds, reposition, or delete. To jump to the top, tap the status bar; to refresh, pull it down.

There is also built-in support for for long posts; it can be turned off in the settings menu. Users can also explore Twitter feeds by swiping; a tweet detail view lets you read an entire conversation.
Standard Twitter features remain, like re-tweets and replies, while a new compose window allows you to add photos, geo-tag, shorten URLs, and autocomplete names.

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  • TweetDeck said a version for the iPad is in the works.

    Earlier this month, the Wall Street Journal reported that Twitter was in "advanced talks" to acquire TweetDeck for around $50 million. That came about a month after Twitter placed a moratorium on third-party apps. Twitter updated its iOS app last month, too, though it later had to delete the "quickbar" feature after users complained.

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    Monday, April 25, 2011

    Windows 8 - the infamous Blue Screen of Death (BSoD)

    It seems that even Microsoft may be growing weary of the infamous Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) associated with its Windows operating system.

    I know I am, because my first encounter with the nefarious BSoD was on an Intel 80286 running Windows 3.1 Hp probook 4510s battery Dell studio 1555 battery on top of DOS.

    Report: Windows 8 could ditch Blue Screen of Death Although way too many years have obviously passed since then, the BSoD remains an unfortunate part of the Windows legacy, from the so-called revolutionary Windows 95 all the way up to the recently launched Windows 7.

    But there may be hope for future generations of PC users, because Microsoft has apparently decided to switch to the color black for system stop errors in current builds of Windows 8.

    Still, as Tom Warren of WinRumors cautions, the switch to a Black Screen of Death could be a temporary one, similar to the switch in Longhorn build 5112.

    "Microsoft started using a Red Screen of Death inside early Windows Dell inspiron 1501 battery Dell inspiron 2200 battery Vista builds. The company also used Red Screens inside early beta copies of Windows 98," he writes.

    "Microsoft has only ever used a Black Screen of Death in Windows 3.x when DOS-based applications failed to execute correctly. MS typically uses Black screens when its operating systems are attempting to load following the power-on self-test (POST)." 

    Of course, there is absolutely no way of knowing if Windows 8 will be stable like 2000 or if it will suffer from bouts of whiny flakiness like Vista.

    So at the end of the day, users will undoubtedly be faced with some type of annoying and frustrating "death screen" - irrespective of its color.

    Mac OSX or Linux, anyone?

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    Friday, April 22, 2011

    AT&T Confesses have troubles to Handle iPhone, iPad

    In its public filing to the Federal Communications Commission on Thursday, AT&T clearly admitted that it can't handle the growing number of iPhones, iPads and other high-bandwidth devices (tablets, smartphones, etc) leeching off its network. In fact, the company said tablets are putting an even greater strain on the network than smartphones in many cases.

    Unfortunately, the future isn't looking quite so bright for the wireless carrier. "Over the next five years, data usage on AT&T's Hp pavilion dv6 battery network is projected to skyrocket as customers 'mobilize' all of their communications activities, from streaming HD video and cloud computing to a range of M2M applications like energy management, fleet tracking, and remote health monitoring," AT&T wrote in the filing.

    AT&T began to see troubles around four years ago, and now reports a frightening 8,000-percent increase in data consumption between 2007 and 2010. It's struggles to maintain service for the growing number of iPhone consumers is already widely known and the subject of many jokes-- its struggles have even been used in Verizon's own iPhone campaign. Eventually complaints of slow traffic and dropped calls provoked AT&T to drop its unlimited plans and offer tiered pricing to regain control over data consumption.

    Although AT&T doesn't actually specify the iPhone by name in the filing, the 8,000-percent jump in data usage is rather obvious-- it coincides with the release of Apple's first iPhone back in 2008. The company even claimed in the public filing that smartphones Dell latitude e6400 battery Dell studio 1555 battery use 24 times more data for each user-- and that doesn't even include tablets.
    That said, AT&T feels justified in acquiring T-Mobile so that some of that load can be dumped off onto the other network. Not only will customers benefit from faster data and a reduced frequency in dropped calls, T-Mobile's extensive reach will increase broadband penetration in rural areas for parent company AT&T.

    Still, despite its current rivalry with Verizon, AT&T must have felt some kind of relief once the iPhone 4 landed on the competing network. Thursday Verizon announced that it activated 2.2 million CDMA iPhone 4 units in the seven weeks between the February 10 launch and March 31. That's 2.2 million units less for AT&T who apparently is still having trouble maintaining its current iPhone and iPad user base.

    Thursday Verizon said that the iPhone 4 produced the most successful first-day sales in the wireless carrier's history.

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    Thursday, April 21, 2011

    Facebook, Apple - Greenpeace is calling out dirty data centers

    Dirty data centers that ignore renewable energy at tech giants like Facebook and Apple have been cited in a new Greenpeace study. Greenpeace also said the IT industry is not being transparent about energy use, but praised energy choices by Akamai, Yahoo and Google. An analyst said Greenpeace's conclusions use "a very broad brush."

    Greenpeace is calling out dirty data centers. A new study by the environmental watchdog cites tech giants like Facebook and Apple Acer as07b41 battery Acer as07b31 battery in what it calls a "rapidly growing environmental footprint of the online world." The study evaluates the Relevant Products/Services choices of IT giants.

    How Dirty is Your Data? shines a bright light on the amount of electricity required to Relevant Products/Services the Relevant Products/Services. Greenpeace's conclusion: The IT industry is largely ignoring the importance of renewable power and is not transparent in disclosing energy use.

    "We expect these companies to play a pivotal role in ensuring we move to clean, safe renewable energy systems and avoid future disasters like Fukishima," said Gary Cook, IT policy analyst at Greenpeace. "But the IT industry's failure to disclose basic information on its rapidly growing energy footprint has hidden a continued reliance on 19th century dirty coal power to power its 21st century Relevant Products/Services. We think consumers want to know that when they upload a Relevant Products/Services or change their Facebook status, that they are not contributing to toxic coal ash, Relevant Products/Services warming, or future Fukishimas."

    Kudos To Akamai

    The Greenpeace Acer aspire 5920 battery Acer aspire 5520 battery  study evaluated 10 cloud companies on transparency, infrastructure-siting decisions, and mitigation strategies. Facebook, Apple, Twitter, and others received failing marks in one or more categories.

    Greenpeace bashed Apple and Facebook -- the organization said Facebook is among the most dependent on coal-powered electricity -- but gave search companies a thumbs-up. It said Yahoo and Google seem to understand the importance of a renewable energy supply. Akamai earned top-of-class recognition for transparency. IBM also got a nod.

    "Green IT should not be a choice between energy Relevant Products/Services and clean electricity -- companies need to give equal attention to both for green data centers," Cook said. "As Yahoo and Google are demonstrating, forward-thinking companies can help lead us toward energy security and safety by stating a preference for renewable power and supporting strong policies that move us to a low-carbon economy."

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    Broad-Brush Perspective

    With data-center energy consumption expanding at around 12 percent a year -- and if it works according to the laws of monetary interest -- then data-center energy consumption is doubling every six or seven years, noted Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. That's a significant point, but King nevertheless said people have to take the Greenpeace report with a few caveats.

    "Where I've got some concern about Greenpeace's conclusions here is mainly in the fact that many, if not most, of the companies whose operations it was evaluating tend to be extremely closed-mouth about exactly what kind of equipment is in their data center, how it is being utilized and allocated, what sort of energy-efficient technologies they are using, and so on," King said. "This particular study and its conclusions were painted with a very broad brush."

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    Wednesday, April 20, 2011

    Windows Phone Needs to Win - Microsoft Co-founder Allen said

    Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen's new memoir, "Idea Man," suggests Microsoft needs to conquer the smartphone and tablet arena or face the consequences.

    Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen’s new memoir, “Idea Man,” is more than an account of the company’s early days, or even a colorful portrayal of the executives—including Bill Gates and current CEO Steve Ballmer—who turned a tiny software startup into a tech-world behemoth: It’s also full of advice for Microsoft as it battles Google and Apple in smartphones Hp pavilion dv6000 battery dell xps m1330 battery and tablets.

    The early parts of “Idea Man” paint a portrait of a very young and extraordinarily driven Gates, balanced somewhat by Allen—who works hard throughout the narrative to downplay both his ambitions and strengths in areas like mathematics. After founding Microsoft in 1975, the two decided to develop a programming language, Altair BASIC, which would run on the MITS Altair 8800. From there, they worked relentlessly to make Microsoft a force in the then-nascent software industry.

    That sort of startup mentality, Allen argues, is precisely what’s missing from Microsoft today. “Complacency has taken its toll, most tellingly in the newest competitive areas of smartphones and tablets, like the iPad,” he wrote. “History shows that you ignore emerging platforms at your peril, because one of them might make you irrelevant.”

    Indeed, the stakes involved are huge. “The new evolutionary species looming in the PC’s rear-view mirror are mobile devices, epitomized by the smartphone dell inspiron 1720 battery Dell wr050 battery , a computing platform in your pocket,” he added. “Microsoft cannot afford to be an also-ran in the mobile platforms, which are rapidly becoming the principal delivery point for low- to medium-intensity computing and Web content consumption.”

    Meanwhile, Microsoft’s rivals have managed to carve successful niches for themselves. “Apple and Google have beaten Microsoft to the mobile punch because they’ve been more alert in developing new and innovative platforms,” he wrote, adding that the iPhone’s seamless interoperability with other devices “can trump consumers’ natural resistance to walled gardens and their predilection for choice.”

    That’s in addition to Google, which has apparently “mastered Microsoft’s old strategy of fast following for the mobile, Web-based era.” Android’s rapid upgrade cycle “plays to people’s love of the new.”
    Allen believes that Microsoft, faced with that sort of competition, needs to overcome “the company’s cultural drag” and quicken the pace of Windows Phone 7’s software updates: “Microsoft needs a strategy to win: a quicker development cycle, a qualitatively better mobile operating system, and a secret sauce or two to set Windows smartphones apart.”

    For anyone who follows the evolution of Windows Phone, Allen's analysis won't exactly come as a surprise: Even Ballmer, at times, has publicly bemoaned Microsoft's position in the smartphone races. However, Allen's role as a Microsoft founder makes his opinion on the matter particularly auspicious.

    While Allen devotes a portion of “Idea Man” to discussing the tech industry, the book’s focus on Microsoft’s startup days has drawn a good deal of the early buzz, fueled in part by an extensive prerelease excerpt in Vanity Fair. Despite Gates’ and Allen’s mutual love of programming, the early chapters describe tensions that soon developed between the two over the minutiae of running a company and its ultimate direction. Allen later accuses Gates and Ballmer—whom he describes as resembling “an operative for the N.K.V.D.,” the Soviet agency responsible for Gulags and mass executions—of jockeying to reduce his stock holdings in the company.

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    “One evening in late December 1982,” he wrote, “I heard Bill and Steve speaking heatedly in Bill’s office and paused outside to listen in. It was easy to get the gist of the conversation. They were bemoaning my recent lack of production and discussing how they might dilute my Microsoft equity by issuing options to themselves and other shareholders.”

    Both Gates and Ballmer tried to patch things up, according to Allen’s narrative. But the stresses involved in working for Microsoft—combined with battling cancer—eventually led Allen to resign from his post. Microsoft stock eventually made him a billionaire, and he used those funds to invest in a number of business ventures, including DreamWorks Animation and the Seattle Seahawks. In his view, though, Microsoft is still very much his baby—and like most fathers, he’s frank with the advice.

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    Tuesday, April 19, 2011

    except Japan , IE9 via Windows Update available worldwide

    Just over a month after launching its Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) browser, software giant Microsoft has started rolling it out as a semi-automatic update to users of Windows 7 and Vista —but not yet in Japan.

    IE9, Microsoft's Dell wr050 battery Hp nc6000 battery most advanced browser to date, was made available via Windows Update starting Monday, April 18, but its Japanese version will be available only starting April 25 —the day after Easter— so as not to overload the quake-damaged Internet infrastructure there.

    "Our sympathies go out to those affected by the continued earthquakes in Japan. We intentionally delayed the availability of the final Japanese language version of IE9 in an effort to avoid any burden to the local Internet infrastructure. The Japanese language version of IE9 will be released on April 25th, and Windows Update will be enabled for Japan at a later date," Roger Capriotti, Director of Internet Explorer Marketing, said in a blog post.
    Windows Update is Microsoft's automatic update mechanism that delivers patches and security fixes for the Windows operating system via the Internet.

    Japan is still recovering from the effects of a magnitude-9 quake and tsunami that hit last March 11.
    But elsewhere, Capriotti said that the rollout of IE9 to Windows 7 and Windows Vista customers should have started Monday, with the rollout completed by end-June.

    "We will offer IE9 to customers via a gradual rollout and expect the rollout to be largely complete by the end of June," he explained.

    On the other hand, Capriotti said they began upgrading existing IE9 Gateway 8msbg battery dell inspiron e1505 battery  Beta and RC users through Windows Update as early as March 28.

    User approval required

    Capriotti also said that IE9 via Windows Update will not install automatically on Windows 7 and Vista machines, and users "will have to agree to install IE 9."

    He added that IE9 will be made available on Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) in June, for business customers who require time to plan and test their deployments.

    WSUS allows use of management tools that make it easy for IT professionals to deploy IE9 in their environments in an automated fashion and at their own pace.

    He said business customers who do not rely on WSUS have the option to use the IE9 Blocker Toolkit to prevent IE9 rollout via Windows Update until they are ready.

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    'Strong customer, business demand'

    Also, he said that IE9 had been available for manual download since March 14, and they are "pleased by the early and continued enthusiasm for IE9."

    "We are seeing not only strong customer and business demand, but some of the highest web and application compatibility rates in IE history, not to mention all the sites that are taking advantage of HTML5 and IE9’s Windows 7 integration," he said. — TJD, GMA News

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    Sunday, April 17, 2011

    Review - The BlackBerry PlayBook had a rocky launch

    The BlackBerry PlayBook had a rocky launch last week but the new media tablet has garnered fairly favorable reviews as a device. Unfortunately for RIM, that's not nearly the whole story when it comes to competing with the 800-lb. gorilla of the market (the combined weight of the number of iPad 2 tablets that Apple shipped in the time it took you to read this paragraph).

    The iPad owes its dominance of the emerging media tablet market as much to Apple's outsized library of content and apps as it does to its popularity as a mobile platform for viewing and running same. Reviewers of the PlayBook repeated that mantra early and often while critiquing RIM's new tablet for price, performance and readiness to take on the iPad, Motorola Xoom and other devices currently on the market.'s Wendy Sheehan Donnell, for one, is delighted that there is finally some legitimate competition for the iPad in the form of the Xoom and now the PlayBook. Rather than simply engaging in speculation, she notes, reviewers have now "spent quality time comparing elements in Apple's iOS with Google's Honeycomb and RIM's Tablet OS."

    Unfortunately for the latter two, Apple still rules the roost. The iPad 2 remains the "clear standout in the ever-widening sea of tablets," according to Apple's second-generation media tablet gets four-and-a-half stars out of five, while the Xoom trails with three-and-a-half stars and the PlayBook sits at two-and-a-half.
    The Xoom may be "the best Android tablet yet," but mediocre apps and missing features drive its rating down. The PlayBook has a higher hill to climb, but Sheehan Donnell is banking on RIM "push[ing] out the updates to make the BlackBerry PlayBook a better tablet dell latitude d820 battery Dell precision m6400 battery  for e-mail, video chat and productivity" —at which point will "revisit this rating."

    Here's a quick look at what some others are saying about the new media tablet:
    "I wanted to like the BlackBerry PlayBook," writes the Boston Herald's Jessica Van Sack, "[ b]ut it's not there yet." Thus, with regard to media tablets, it "continues to primarily remain an iPad market." In comparing the PlayBook to both the iPad 2 and Xoom, Van Sack does give RIM's tablet wins for its portability, camera, Web browsing and media viewing, put takes away points for lackluster e-mail and apps.

    "There is lots to like right now," notes Barron's Jay Palmer, citing the PlayBook's touchscreen swipe controls—they "work brilliantly and intuitively." Palmer also likes the new tablet's Web browser, the fact it runs Adobe Flash (unlike the iPad) and the large screen, which he calls "bright, clear, responsive and big enough for watching a movie or playing an action game." But with few available apps, Palmer is holding out for an improved second-generation PlayBook.

    In a bit of a back-handed compliment, ZDNet's Jason Hiner says that "[o]ne of the best things that the BlackBerry PlayBook Acer as07b42 battery Compaq pavilion dv4 battery has going for it is low expectations." He does go on to cite "four pleasant surprises" discovered in the new tablet, including a "superior" word processor, "excellent" performance and responsiveness, a "simple and self-evident" UI and Web browsing that "rocks."

    Citing "Tablet Fatigue," The New York Times' David Pogue says that he's not eager to review every new media tablet that comes down the pike. So it says something about the PlayBook that Pogue feels it worthy of a look—and discovers a tablet that "looks and feels great" but depends on software "crawling with borrowed ideas." Two PlayBook features he likes: wireless file transfers and the BlackBerry Bridge Bluetooth connection to a BlackBerry smartphone.

    The experience of watching HD video on the PlayBook's "bright, crisp display" is "gorgeous," writes Dan Frommer of Business Insider. But he echoes many reviewers' gripes in wondering what's the point when so little of such content is available for the tablet. "The only realistic way to download and put HD movies on the device right now is piracy," Frommer writes.

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    Thursday, April 14, 2011

    IE10 will coming - Microsoft Demos IE10 on ARM

    Blink and you'll miss it. Microsoft has demonstrated Internet Explorer 10 at the MIX11 show in Las Vegas. For around 30 seconds of the 90-minute talk, they mentioned that some of the demos were running on an ARM computer. That's the full Internet Explorer 10, which would presumably require a reasonably complete version of Windows too, and not running on an Intel or AMD x86 processor. And running quite well too, by the look of things.

    What's that strange smell coming from Intel headquarters? Oh, yes. It's fear.

    NVIDIA was quick to fess up that the "demo was dell d630 battery hp 2230s battery  powered by the NVIDIA Tegra superchip." (See the video here.) They gave no specifics as to make and model, but we can guess it's a Tegra 2 Dual-Core chip, with a system-on-a-chip GeForce GPU. This is about as powerful as ARM chips get right now.

    NVIDIA also hinted that it's working closely with Microsoft on the Windows 8 product.

    By looking at the MIX11 videocast with a magnifying glass, we can see the chip is a humble 32-bit offering--as with all ARM processors today--and that the machine had a mere 1GB of RAM. There must be some pretty awesome optimization going on with the ARM port of (presumably) Windows 8 if it's truly able to run at speeds fast enough to give demos--especially those involving full graphical hardware acceleration, as is the impetus for many of IE10's new features.

    A lot has been written about why Microsoft is porting Windows to ARM but I think this brief demo finally makes things clear: It's all about platforms, and not for the first time.

    Back in the last decade I wrote extensively about desktop Linux. Often I'd speak with corporate system administrators who would tell me they'd love to get rid of Windows and put Linux on every desktop. Unfortunately, they needed Windows to run Microsoft Office.

    Windows' primary worth in the corporate space was in acting as a platform. It was the horse for the Microsoft sony Vgp-bps2c battery Dell xps m1330 battery Office carriage.

    Internet Explorer on ARM is the same as it is on x86.

    Internet Explorer on ARM is the same as it is on x86.With this in mind, we're all wrong to think that Microsoft porting Windows to ARM is the big deal. The big deal is making Internet Explorer cross-platform. Microsoft is showing that--just like Google with its Chrome browser and OS--it's betting that the future of computing is going to be in online services. This will involve a shift in our concept of what a computer is. And, again, Microsoft wants one of its products--Internet Explorer--to provide a compelling reason for us to keep buying Windows, regardless of which device we use.

    Many players in the IT sector would like end users to consider their computer purchases in terms of platform and utility, rather than specifications. Hardware spec lists are so 1990s. The move to mobile technology is providing a means to change our thinking. For example, Apple refuses to discuss processor speeds or quantities of RAM in its iPhone and iPad documentation, preferring instead to talk about other hardware features that enhance usability. Few other tablet or phone manufacturers mention specs.

    In the near future we will talk of an app running well on Internet Explorer, without making reference to the underlying hardware Dell latitude d820 battery Dell inspiron mini 9 battery or even operating system. Whether IE is running on Intel or ARM will be irrelevant. We'll talk of Google's Chrome platform in a similar way. Again, it won't be relevant whether Chrome manifests itself as a browser or the entire Chrome operating system. It's all about platforms.

    There's a long way to go yet, however. There's no standardized ARM platform like there is for x86 chips, and even ARM chips can vary substantially in their designs. One question asked frequently is whether Windows will run on the iPad, which after all is just another ARM-based tablet. The answer is that it probably won't, unless Microsoft hack Windows to do so. Microsoft will probably have to hack Windows for individual manufacturers of ARM-based computers over the coming years.

    Just a quick side thought: The platform gold rush is starting to make Mozilla's strategy of doing little more than producing first-class browsers seem a little curious. Is Mozilla going to get squeezed out of a market that Microsoft and Google dominate? After all, the only reason Firefox became so popular was that Internet Explorer was so dire at the time, and had been stagnating for several years. Mozilla has built on this position, but has it really evolved?

    Tagcloud : IE10 , Microsoft , ARM computer , Dell vostro 1000 battery , Dell studio 1555 battery , Acer aspire 6935g battery , Acer aspire 5920 battery , Compaq nc6400 battery

    Wednesday, April 13, 2011

    Showyou brings you Web video - Showyou for iPad Makes Watching Web Video a Social Affair

    Showyou - Banner

    Social aggregators are all the rage these days: more and more people want to consume news and media that's not just new and interesting, but that their friends are reading and think they would like. Several apps bring you news based on the things your friends are reading, and now Showyou brings you Web video based on what your friends are posting to Twitter and Facebook.

    You also get the benefit of some of the most popular videos around the Web that the app thinks you might be interested in based on the types of video sony Vgp-bps2c battery sony vgp-bps8a battery you like to watch, or based on the suggestions of other Showyou members that you share interests with. Best of all, the app is completely free.

    Shoyou - Feed

    Showyou is completely free and available now in the iTunes App Store. The app is available for the iPhone and the iPad, and requires iOS 4.0 or higher to run. When you install the app, you'll want to sign up for a Showyou by linking it with your Twitter and Facebook accounts. You can then invite your friends to join Showyou, or look around for other Showyou members to follow and interact with. Once your accounts are linked, you'll be able to pull in video your friends are sharing on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, or Vodpod and watch it yourself.

    One of the first things you'll see is the Showyou Grid, a view that allows you to browse and flip through videos suggested for you by your friends, other members, or that are just really popular at the moment. You can tap on a video Sony vgp-bps13/b battery Gateway m505 battery  to watch it, expand it so it plays in full-screen, or just watch it against the backdrop of the grid.

    Showyou - Grid

    If you like it and want to comment on it, you can tap the video to leave a comment for your friend or on the video's page, like it or retweet it, or share it in your Twitter or Facebook stream or re-blog it to your Tumblr blog. 

    You can also share it via Showyou gateway squ-412 battery , so other members you're following or who follow you will see that you've suggested it.  You can also browse the Showyou feed, which is a kind of live discussion with other Showyou members who are commenting on videos, sharing them, and promoting them for others to see.

    Showyou prides itself on being a video-focused app. There's only as much text on any given screen as required for you to see the title, where the video was posted and who's sharing it, and for you to read comments or leave your own. The interface is addictive, and Showyou is definitely the kind of app where you can spend hours watching videos, look up at the clock, and wonder where the time went.
    Tagcloud : Compaq nc6000 battery , Acer aspire 5520 battery ,Dell inspiron 1000 battery, dell inspiron 6400 battery, Dell inspiron 9400 battery, Dell latitude d620 battery, Dell vostro 1500 battery

    Tuesday, April 12, 2011

    HTC New Technology review: Lucky Windows Phone 7

    HTC offers two smartphone models powered by Windows Phone 7, a relatively new and attractive alternative in operating systems

    The smartphone race continues. Microsoft’s new operating system, Windows Phone 7, which launched in Taiwan in December, is now available on two high-end models from Taiwan’s own HTC , the HTC HD7 and HTC 7 Mozart hp pavilion dv6 battery Compaq nc6400 battery .

    The main reason to consider a smartphone powered by the Windows Phone 7 OS is its touch-screen interface, which matches the user friendliness of any iPhone or Android device. While it still has to play catch-up, especially with the relatively small number of apps and lack of Chinese-language capabilities, Windows Phone 7 is shaping up to be a worthy contender. (See the Taipei Times on Feb. 20 for an in-depth review of the OS.)

    Choosing between the two HTC models boils down to the details. Both are similarly priced: Without a phone plan, the HTC HD7 retails for NT$20,900, while the HTC 7 Mozart is NT$18,900.

    The HTC HD7’s 4.3-inch screen makes it look like a mobile phone on steroids. If you spend a lot of time watching videos or playing graphics-intensive games, this could be your device. The HD7 even has a kickstand that swivels out so you can prop it up on a table.

    That generous amount of on-screen hp dv6000 battery life dell vostro 1500 battery real estate also makes a noticeable difference when reading text, whether it’s in the Web browser, e-mail or the mobile version of Microsoft Office. I found typing a bit easier using the HD7’s touch-screen keyboard — the extra bit of space makes a difference.

    Bigger isn’t necessarily better, though. The HTC 7 Mozart shares the same resolution (800 x 400) as the HD7, but it has a higher pixel density because of its smaller 3.7-inch screen. On the Mozart, everything looks sharper and crisper, and the quality comes pretty close to the iPhone 4’s highly praised screen.

    HTC probably had the iPhone 4 in mind when designing the Mozart — it’s a similar size and sports a stylish, slim shape. But those handsome looks come at the expense of ergonomics. The aluminum casing feels a little slippery and doesn’t allow for a confident grip.

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    I kept worrying that I would drop the handset that HTC loaned to the Taipei Times, and indeed, I had a few close calls. Another small quibble is the placement of the volume rocker on the left side of the device: it’s too low, which makes it hard to adjust while talking on the phone.

    For taking photos and video, the Mozart has the edge on the HD7. It has an 8 megapixel camera compared to the HD7’s 5 megapixel lens, and good quality snapshots are possible if you have good light. The same holds for video. I had decent results with using the Mozart to film some outdoor scenes in the daytime, but don’t bother using the device in extreme environments such as loud, dark places. A short video I shot at the Santana concert in Taipei several weeks ago turned out to be blurry, with the sound severely distorted.
    One other difference between the two models is storage. The Mozart comes with 8 gigabytes, the HD7, 16 gigabytes, and unfortunately neither model can be expanded using SD cards. In terms of speed, however, the HD7 and Mozart are evenly matched, as both come equipped with 1 GHz processors and 576 MB of RAM.

    Battery life is also comparable; I managed a full day without charging on both models, making a handful of calls, sending text messages, surfing the Internet and checking my Facebook and Twitter accounts throughout the day. That is not quite as good as the iPhone dell inspiron 6400 battery dell inspiron 1720 battery (I usually get at least a day and a half doing the same things), but unlike Apple’s handset, you can easily replace the battery on both HTC models.

    If you plan to spend a lot of time using your smartphone, the HD7 makes for a pleasant experience because of its larger screen. But the Mozart wins on portability — it fits easier into a front jeans pocket — and the camera is noticeably better.

    Both models will likely impress those who have yet to switch to a smartphone. But users of Android and Apple phones are likely to find Windows Phone 7 lacking in a few features, such as multitasking (the ability to switch between apps quickly).

    Microsoft has just released an update that adds cut-and-paste functionality for text, a highly requested feature. But there’s still no multitasking, and more importantly for users in Taiwan, there’s no Chinese-language support — for now, you have to get by with third-party apps to compose e-mails or text messages in Chinese. Microsoft says an update for a Chinese version of Windows Phone 7 is due later this year.

    Tagcloud : Dell latitude d531 battery , Dell latitude d630 battery , Dell latitude e6400 battery , Dell vostro 1510 battery , Hp pavilion dv9700 battery , Dell inspiron 9400 battery , dell xps m1330 battery

    Monday, April 11, 2011

    Firefox 5 will release - ready to hit the market this June 21st

    Mozilla will release version five of its Firefox browser on June 21, according to a developer road map.
    Mozilla intends to roll out Firefox 5 when June 21st rolls around – that leaves the opens ource software outfit just slightly more than 2 months to get everythign right, at least according to a developer road map.


    We do know that Firefox 5  Compaq nc6400 battery hp pavilion dv6 battery will be receiving social media, UI and tab upgrades, where it will arrive as a beta next month while entering its final release stage around five weeks after that. This is quite a departure from the past, considering how Firefox 4 was recently released, with more than 75 million people downloading it already to date.

    Of course, we can only expect it to be more stable than ever before along with a slew of improvements and enhancements. In the mean time, you can always check out what Firefox 4 offers by installing it on your computer if you haven't yet done so already.
    The organisation will have a steady rollout schedule for the updated Firefox browser, which will see it released as a beta on May 17 and enter the final release stage approximately five weeks later. The rapid releases signal something of a change at Mozilla and sees it launch the next version just a couple of weeks after it released the well received Firefox 4. Downloads of Firefox 4 have already topped 75 million, as displayed on Mozilla's download counter website.

    This shift also sees the Dell inspiron 1520 battery rganisation come up with some new names for its releases. Aurora, then, is an internal name for the web browser that precedes the beta release, but it follows a candidate described as Central, or Nightly, which is designed for hard core and in house users.

    Nightly releases are early, as you might assume, and are what Mozilla has described as 'General development'. Aurora, the next stage and the new name for the early version of the browser, is more advanced and it fixes any remaining localisation issues as well as any recent bug problems, and it sees the developers carry out 'landing fixes' as it moves closer to the beta release.


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    Currently the Mozzarella crew has no Aurora users but it expects subscribers to top one million, and it will enroll them as necessary, apparently expecting a lot of interest.

    "This is a new channel. We will discuss populating this channel artificially if need be. The hope is people will self-select into this channel (either by downloading a build or using the in-product channel switcher) due to the balance of new features and stability," Mozilla said.

    Users are expected to be "Power users willing risk instability to see and test the latest fixes."

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    Sunday, April 10, 2011

    The Search For A High-Energy Battery – Lithium Has Become Our Preferred Battery of Choice

    Over the last decade or so, most of us have slowly found ourselves increasingly dependent on a single type of battery: a lithium battery. This has led to some interesting questions on why lithium has become the preferred choice, and what comes after lithium? In this blog post I attempt to explain some of these issues.
    The answer is technical. But I have to make it accessible. This means the simplification of some technical concepts. So bear with me.
    The Search For A High-Energy Battery
    Imagine that you are a chemist hard at work at trying to find a new battery. Imagine it’s circa 1960 and you are celebrating the anniversary of the lead-acid battery. You like the lead-acid battery, but are convinced that the world needs an extremely high-energy battery.
    You’re not sure exactly why you need more energy , but you’re obsessed with the Zeroth law of batteries which states that “The performance of any battery will fall (just) short of our expectations irrespective of the complexity of the device it is powering”. Moreover your 5-year-old neighbor in Cupertino has convinced you that when he grows up he is going to make a computer that you can carry in your backpack, but that it will require a battery with a lot of energy.  You know that if you want a lot of energy you need a high-voltage battery. Much higher than the 2 V of the lead-acid chemistry.
    So, you do what any decent chemist would do, and decide to drive across the bay to the library at the U. of California campus at Berkeley. You know that the library has a book that has extensive tables that tabulate the potential of various elements and you are sure you can find something that has a high voltage.
    After some rummaging, you decide that the best battery in the world has to be one with a lithium replacement dell xps m1330 battery Dell inspiron 9400 battery anode and a fluorine cathode. The voltage is almost 6 V. You are excited, but also concerned that water breaks down at 1.2 V. You are also pretty sure that water and lithium should not be mixed. You still remember the mini fireworks that happened when you tried that experiment.
    You are also sure that you don’t want to mess with fluorine. Your amputated finger on your right arm is evidence of your past attempts at working with fluorine and you have a new appreciation for the miracle of the opposable thumb. You decide to deal with the cathode problem later.
    First things first. You need to get lithium to work.
    You then find some interesting electrodeposition studies in a PhD thesis by Harris who was guided by Charles Tobias.  The thesis has studies of the deposition of various alkali metals (sodium, lithium) in non-water-based solvents. One of these solvents, propylene carbonate, looks promising. You begin to think that maybe you have the ideal anode.
    Time To Risk the Remaining Opposable Thumb?
    The Modern Li-ion Battery
    The history of the development of the lithium-ion battery is the quest for the development of a high voltage battery. And the higher the voltage, the higher the  energy.
    An easy way to design a battery is to go to the table of standard potentials, pick something that wants to oxidize, and pair it with something that wants to reduce.  Lithium is pretty much at one end of that series, making it an ideal anode.
    Turns out our hypothetical chemist was being a bit optimistic. The plating of lithium does get easier when using a non-water based solvent, but even after many decades of research there is still no rechargeable lithium-metal based batteries. We have primary batteries with lithium metal (your watch battery, for example), but no commercially available rechargeable one (yet).
    The problem occurs when you charge the battery (which involves plating lithium Hp pavilion dv5 battery Hp hstnn-db42 battery ). Lithium, unlike many other metals, does not plate uniformly, but in the form of sharp needles or dendrites. Dendritic lithium can react and can go through the separator and short with the cathode. This makes the battery go Boom!
    Fast forward from 1960 to the late 1980′s and it was becoming obvious (I assume, because I was not there) that the problem of dendrites appeared to be a showstopper. In the mean time, it was clear that instead of plating lithium, one could insert the lithium into a cage, with graphite being a very good cage.
    The lithium could reversibly move in and out of the cage. The cage occupies volume and it has weight to it, but it did not (under normal conditions) form dendrites. The voltage at which the lithium moved in and out of graphite was similar to that for lithium.
    Our hypothetical chemist had finally found the anode, except it was not on the tables in the library.
    Something similar could be done on the cathode side, with John Goodenough from the U. of Texas showing that materials like cobalt oxide were able to insert lithium discount Compaq pavilion dv6 battery . The voltage for cobalt oxide was nowhere close to that for the fluorine system, but there were (and there still are) no solvents that can allow operation at the voltages where fluorine works.
    Like the graphite anode, cobalt oxide allows us to make a workable cathode. Cobalt oxide, like graphite, is a cage that has weight and volume, but working with it is much more practical than working with lithium and fluorine.
    Thus was born the modern lithium-ion battery and the revolution starting with Sony’s commercialization of this technology. The voltage is much lower than our hypothetical chemist’s dream (3.7 V instead of 6 V). And it has these two cages that make the weight and volume of the battery go up. Both of these mean that the battery we use today is considerably worse than the dream battery.
    Future of Battery Research
    So what is battery research? Note that the energy of the battery is the voltage of the battery times the amount of lithium the cages hold (which we call the capacity).
    We have to either find a way to increase the voltage, or find a way to increase the capacity.
    In lithium ion batteries this means that we are constantly searching for anodes and cathodes that hold more lithium for less weight and volume of the cage. We are also looking for electrolytes that allow us to get closer and closer to the voltage of the dream Compaq dv6000 battery.
    So where are we compared to where we can be?
    Today we use cathodes that operate at ~3.8 V with a capacity of ~180 mAh/g (I’m simplifying things a bit here). Without getting into details, we could conceivably increase the voltage by 10 to 15 percent and the capacity by 50 percent.
    The choices on the anode side are a bit more limiting. We have one material that has a lot more capacity than graphite (10 times more), but it decreases the voltage of the battery.
    And just so there is no confusion, increasing the capacity of the anode by 10 times does not increase the energy of the battery Compaq nc6400 battery that much. I make this point in my blog post “In batteries 2+2=1.  Actually more like 1/2. Well… Maybe a little bit less“.
    So what option do we have after that? For one, we can remove the cages (which gets us back to what our hypothetical chemist proposed). Further, we don’t need to stick to lithium.
    Remember that voltage and capacity are what matter. If we can manage to find something else that has either a higher voltage and/or a higher capacity, then we are onto a new level of evolution of batteries.
    Lithium batteries are by no means done evolving.  It amuses me that we are already getting impatient about wanting to develop something else. But I can see the merit in starting to think about the future, but to paraphrase Robert Frost, we have “miles to go before we sleep”.
    When our hypothetical chemist decided we needed a better battery and went looking for lithium, he was onto something. Something that would revolutionize the consumer-electronics space. Turns out we still need a better battery. And it may still involve going to the library to look at a table.
    Tagcloud : High-Energy Battery , Lithium Battery , Toshiba pa3534u-1brs battery
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