Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Surveillance Equipment - The CCTV parking cameras that target innocent drivers

There's little more annoying than a parking ticket, particularly one that's completely unjustified. Yet the number of issued tickets has soared fivefold, with thousands of innocent drivers falling victim to automated spy cameras.

So just what is going on?

Four million tickets were issued in the UK last year – which represents a five times increase in a decade. While if we've made a genuine mistake or simply flouted a parking sign, most drivers are prepared to suck it up and pay the fine – an increasingly number of innocent drivers are being persecuted by new mobile CCTV cameras.

The cameras catch vehicles that only stop momentarily, and drivers can find themselves with automatically generated ticket through their letterbox with no idea of the apparent offence.

Figures from the Traffic Penalty Tribunal show this Wireless camera technology has caused the number of tickets issued to leap by 10% in the past two years, yet the number of successful ticket appeals has increased by 20% over the same period.

Sneaky councils

In one case that was thrown out on appeal, a council issued a ticket using CCTV footage of 'some 17 seconds'. In another rejected case, a fine was issued when a car stopped for 46 seconds to allow driver and passenger to swap places.

The report also highlights cases of camera cars parking on double yellow lines to catch errant drivers and councils that fail to put up signs warning drivers that CCTV is in operation.

Motoring groups said cash-strapped councils were increasingly using parking charges and fines to fill 'black holes in their coffers'.

The government advises councils to use automatic CCTV cameras "sparingly" as motorists regard such enforcement as "overzealous". Yet the Association of British Drivers said the damning statistics proved that the "war on motorists was far from over".

ABD founder member Hugh Bladon told the Daily Mail: "Councils are desperate for money and the motorist is an easy target. Things can only get worse."

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Tagcloud: Surveillance Equipment , CCTV parking cameras , Security Equipment

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